Grace Community
God still speaks today - through His perfectly sufficient written Word. What God says satisfies our intellectual hunger, and what He says shows the Beauty of His love for His people. Truth and Beauty come together in one place: God in His Word.
Grace Community
Colossians 3:15-17
Home group questions:
Unity doesn’t mean uniformity, so how can the peace of Christ ruling in our hearts (acting as an umpire) help us stay united when there are cultural, social, educational, and even theological differences? How should our knowledge that we are part of the body of Christ influence our relationships with fellow believers? (Consider 1 Corinthians 12:21-27, Hebrews 10:24-25.)
Some might say that it is more important to pursue peace above doctrine, but how does verse 16 speak against that? (Consider also 1:28 and Titus 1:9.) What has the book of Colossians shown us about the importance of sound teaching? (1:9-10, 2:1-8.) What can happen when the church turns aside from the word of Christ and instead teaches human traditions and philosophies? (Consider 2 Timothy 4:1-4.)
How would you define what it means to do everything “in the name of Jesus”? Why should the name of Jesus be the motivating factor in our lives? (1 Peter 2:9-12.) How should the name of Jesus shape our words and deeds, both in church and out in the world?
Why do you think thankfulness is such a central part of the Christian life? How can thankfulness promote unity within the church? Discuss how we might grow in thankfulness and encourage each other to be thankful.