Grace Community
God still speaks today - through His perfectly sufficient written Word. What God says satisfies our intellectual hunger, and what He says shows the Beauty of His love for His people. Truth and Beauty come together in one place: God in His Word.
Grace Community
Colossians 3:12a and recap
In Colossians 2:16-18, Paul mentions that some felt judged and disqualified by false teachers who insisted on legalism, asceticism, and religious experiences. How do Paul’s words “as God’s chosen ones” (Colossians 3:12) reassure these believers—and all Christians—who feel as though they aren’t 'good enough' as Christians?
Paul acknowledges that, although we have new life in Christ, we still battle the "old self." What are some practical ways we can “put to death” the old self and its desires? How can the group support each other in this ongoing spiritual battle?
The false teachers were “puffed up without reason.” Why should the knowledge that we are chosen by God, without any merit of our own (see Ephesians 2:1-9), make us humble rather than full of pride and boastfulness?
Paul says Christians are "God's chosen ones, holy and beloved." How does understanding your identity as chosen and loved by God affect the way you live and interact with others?
How should knowing that we are God’s beloved stop us from chasing worldly treasures and make us content no matter what our situation?
How should the title "holy" (meaning set apart for God) affect the way we make decisions and behave when we are by ourselves or when we are in the community?
There is a big difference between living for God to gain His favour versus living for Him because of what He has already done for us. In your own life, how can you avoid falling into the trap of trying to earn God's favour, and instead live out of gratitude for His grace?