Grace Community
God still speaks today - through His perfectly sufficient written Word. What God says satisfies our intellectual hunger, and what He says shows the Beauty of His love for His people. Truth and Beauty come together in one place: God in His Word.
Grace Community
Matthew 5:4 Peter Sharp
Home group questions:
1.What does it mean to be “blessed” by God when we are mourning? How does this perspective challenge your current understanding of happiness and blessing?
2.What specific things in your life or in the world do you feel God is calling you to mourn over? Why do you think these things matter to Him?
3.When you look at the example of Jesus mourning, what do you learn about His heart and how He views suffering and loss?
4.How do you tend to respond to feelings of sadness or grief? Do you turn toward God, away from Him, or to something else entirely?
5.In what ways has God comforted you in times of mourning in the past?
6.Are there any sins or areas of personal brokenness that you need to mourn or bring before God this week?
7.What role do you think mourning plays in your spiritual growth? How might God use your sorrow to draw you closer to Him?
8. How can we, as a church family, support one another in times of mourning or hardship? Are there any ways you could be a blessing to others this week?
9.What promises in Scripture give you hope in times of sadness? Which promises might you want to meditate on this week?
10.How does the hope of Christ’s return and the end of all mourning impact your view of current sorrows and struggles?