Grace Community
God still speaks today - through His perfectly sufficient written Word. What God says satisfies our intellectual hunger, and what He says shows the Beauty of His love for His people. Truth and Beauty come together in one place: God in His Word.
Grace Community
Matthew 5:6 Peter Sharp
1. What does it mean to you personally to “hunger and thirst for righteousness”?
2. Can you identify any desires or goals in your life that sometimes compete with your desire for God?
3. In what areas of your life do you feel the most resistance to aligning your desires with God’s righteousness?
4. What are some practical ways you can cultivate a stronger hunger for righteousness in your daily routines?
5. Commentators say there are three areas of righteousness; legal, moral and social. Which area do you want to seek to grow in and why?
6. When you look back, how has your desire for God’s righteousness grown or changed over time?
7. How might you encourage others in their pursuit of righteousness? What’s been effective for you?
8. What are some challenges you face in resisting worldly desires, and how does what God has done through Jesus help with those?
9. When have you experienced a deep satisfaction in God (the righteous one), and what can you do to cultivate that kind of relationship with Him?
10. As we think about growing in hungering for righteousness how can we avoid the trap of legalism?
11. After reflecting on this verse, what things would you like to pray for?